



Y.I.A. Week

Inventors IPO > Y.I.A. Week


InventorsIPO is dedicated to helping children, develop their ideas. We want to help develop young minds, and foster the creativity that all children posses. For a child, the world appears different than it does to adults. Children do not see black or white, the rainbow is alive with all of the colors for them.

InventorsIPO wants to encourage children to experiment and come up with new and exciting ideas. We are sponsoring a program that will directly help children develop their new ideas, and inventions. Every school year InventorsIPO will donate a percentage of its proceeds to local schools to implement an inventors week for the school children.

Our Goal
Our goal is to develop the creative sprit in children and offer all children the opportunity to advance as far as their mind will take them.  Not bound by their environment, or poverty, children can grow into remarkable adults full of ideas and potential.

When is Y.I.A.Week
Young Inventors Awareness Week will be the 3rd week in March each year.  Lets’ make this a great week for the young inventors. Encouragement, support, and a little help is all the children need to do some truly amazing things.

Why Help?
Like the Army, children deserve the chance to be all they can be. Together, lets’ sponsor this program and allow them to invent their own destiny. InventorsIPO will do its part, but we cannot do this alone.  We need your help to make this program a success.  Even if you cannot help financially, you can still encourage a child.  Give children the confidence and they will surprise you.

If you would like to help us in this effort we will accept donations for this program.  We will place 100% of all money donated into the Young Inventors Awareness Week program. InventorsIPO will not profit from any donations!

Lets’ Get Started

If you would like more information on how to participate in the Young Inventors Awareness Week. Please contact us.

Don’t forget tell them InventorsIPO sent you!

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